Hotel booking through Sandei Feste Agency Imprimer
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In order to organize in the best way your journey in Parma, the EAAE-SYAL2010 Organization Committee has delegated the agency “SANDEI FESTE” for the hotel booking service.

Sandei Feste has obtained advantageous prices for rooms booked by the seminar participants.

The list of the hotels available through Sandei Feste can be see at the following link: Hotel list

For booking the hotel, please fill the form ( Booking Form "Sandei Feste") with the information of your journey and send it to Sandei Feste by Fax (+39 0521 641039) or by mail ( Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. ) before next 15 July 2010.

You will receive your booking confirmation by Sandei Feste with bank reference for the payment and the cancellation conditions.

Take into account that Sandei Feste will add 10 Euros of agency fee.

We strongly recommend to book before 15 July 2010 because in the same period Parma will be interested by other important events connected to the celebration of the musician Giuseppe Verdi (Festival Verdi). Therefore, after this date, availability and seminar price conditions will not be guaranteed.

For any other information about hotel reservation, please contact Sandei Feste by mail ( Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. ) or by phone (+39 347 3366962)

Mise à jour le Jeudi, 01 Juillet 2010 10:16